
Value Systems in Digital Health Technologies

Signo is a research project, funded by FCT within the CMU Portugal Exploratory Research Projects Program, that aims to bring researchers in design, human-computer interaction, and philosophy together with patients and healthcare professionals in the context of ophthalmology to, collectively in co-creation, explore, experiment, prototype, and test technology and data visualizations which are built on a shared set of values, and understand how these values are communicated.

Underlying all technology design are values.

Vision and Mission Statement

Underlying all technology design are values (e.g., efficiency, empathy, accountability, transparency), which may be more or less conspicuous in the designed artefact. In healthcare, there is a growing number of digital technologies which collect and display patientsโ€™ data, such as health monitoring and self-tracking. The design of visualizations for these data also holds a set of values. When these values โ€” those of the design and knowledge, and those of patients โ€” are not aligned, this may lead to a lack of representation, inclusiveness, or trust in the data.

By applying methods of co-creation and participatory exploration, the project will generate a set of recommendations and a set of experimental prototypes, exploring the issue of values, the purpose of which is to support the design of more useful and effective technology in healthcare. As a contribution to society, such usefulness should translate into more appropriate health technology design, support clinical decision, better-informed patients, and, ultimately, better health for all.

Values behind AI decisions must be clear and accounted for.

Project Objectives

Signoโ€™s expected outcomes are twofold: 1) to identify how technology and data presentation in health communicate value systems, and 2) to identify actionable principles on conveying value systems to apply to the design of technology and health data presentation.

To achieve these objectives, we will address two target audiences: medical experts, namely ophthalmologists, using clinical decision support tools for Glaucoma screening, as well as Glaucoma patients dealing and interacting with personal health data.


Funding entity